The Customer

An Israeli company specializing in water control and management solutions, operating globally across over 80 countries.

The Destination
  • Bermad wanted to solve challenges encompassing inefficient communication, manual processes, limited data visibility, low farmer engagement, and a fragmented system and data management.
The Solution
  • LogicLoom’s comprehensive tech strategy used the PERN stack, including a web app and desktop tool. The web app promoted information exchange and collaboration, while the desktop tool handled data retrieval and integration. It featured personalized user roles, valve scheduling, custom reporting, and a notification system. Farmers had tailored interfaces and access to OMS device data and weather updates for informed decision-making.


The Value Add

• LogicLoom’s tech solutions brought numerous benefits:

◦ Streamlined operations

◦ Enhanced communication

◦ Valuable data-driven insights

◦ Improved user experiences

◦ Increased productivity

• Automated valve scheduling optimized water management, fostering collaboration between administration and farmers.

• Customized reporting capabilities supported decision-making.

• Personalized farmer accounts and access to weather information contributed to enhanced user satisfaction.

• The solution’s modular architecture ensured scalability and adaptability for future growth and evolving needs